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Prehistory to 600 BCE
Technological and Environmental Transformations
Chapters 1-4
This section alone covers roughly 13.8 billion years.
Feeling overwhelmed? Breathe. This section only accounts for
5% of the exam. So, rather than drowning in the information,
focus on the big ideas. Here is where the foundation of all human
life is set.
For an information overview and a great place to study:
Chapter 1 Note Taking Guide Linked here is the textbook Cornell Notes guide
History Jargon Vocabulary
Mapping Activity
Linked above is the Google Doc for the assignment. You will get a hard copy in class. But, people lose things.
For help on this assignment, use the Maps, linked under the AP World Links subheading and the two below.
The True Size - Compare the sizes of countries as they really are, not as they appear!
Primary/Secondary Sources
Hammurabi's Code, 1700 BCE (BABYLON)
Epic of Gilgamesh, 1700 BCE (BABYLON)
Hymn to the Nile, 2100 BCE (EGYPT)
Additional Ancient Civilization Documents
Feasting Rituals - Civilization?
Worst Mistake in Human History?
Noble or Savage?
This Fleeting World
This Fleeting World Questions
The Obscure Religion That Shaped the West
Review of Key Concepts!
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